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University Online Education Services
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University Online Education Services

Curriculum Mapping

Our Approach

We work closely with program administration and their faculty to create a detailed map of their curriculum, aligning course outcomes with program goals, accreditation standards, and professional licensure requirements. This collaborative process helps programs visualize their curriculum, identify strengths and gaps, and ensure that all program outcomes are adequately addressed across the course sequence.

Key Features of Our Service:

  • Collaborative Process: We engage with program leaders and faculty to gather essential information about courses, learning outcomes, and program goals.
  • Detailed Mapping: We create visual representations of how individual course outcomes contribute to overall program outcomes, accreditation standards, and professional competencies.
  • Gap Analysis: We help identify areas where program outcomes may need additional support or where there might be unnecessary redundancies.
  • Alignment with External Standards: We ensure that your curriculum aligns with relevant accreditation requirements and professional licensure standards.
  • Strategic Planning Support: The curriculum map serves as a valuable tool for program review, planning, and continuous improvement.
  • Integration with Course Design: We use the curriculum map to inform individual course designs, ensuring each course contributes effectively to program goals.
  • Rubric Development and LMS Integration: We assist in developing appropriate rubrics for assessments and tie them to the relevant outcomes within the Canvas LMS, facilitating seamless outcomes assessment and reporting.


  • Ensures a coherent and well-structured online program
  • Facilitates communication about the curriculum among faculty and administrators
  • Supports accreditation processes and professional licensure requirements
  • Aids in identifying opportunities for course improvements or additions
  • Enhances student learning by ensuring thorough coverage of all program outcomes
  • Supports data-driven decision-making in curriculum development
  • Streamlines outcomes assessment through integrated rubrics in the LMS